Ideas to start a blog
There is a common saying in the blogosphere, “If you want to succeed with your blogging career, blog on a niche you are passionate about“. This seems like the second rule of blogging (after the first rule which is “there are no rules“).
You have probably heard it similarly;
“If you want to build a successful blog, choose and write on a niche you are passionate about and the blogging energy will flow naturally”. How true that is. But what if you can’t figure out the right passionate niche for you? What about the average guy in the neighborhood who struggles daily for self discovery? Most people can hardly tell what they are passionate about. This reflects in the most common question new bloggers ask; “what should I write about?” If you were as confused as I was when I first enrolled into the blog world, you may be caught up in the illusion that;
1. You are passionate about making money online
2. You have a thing for Personal Development
3. Blogging tips really sounds interesting to write about.
If this is not you, then you are a better blog-starter than I am. I didn’t have a perfect blog-starting record either. When I started blogging in October 2008 I also created a blog about ‘blogging to make money’ with the hope to share what I learn along my blogging journey but had to shut it down in a few months (Yep! I just said that). Most often, the result of starting on such general niches, without some qualification, is ending up in the boredom niche. Seriously, how can you consistently write about healthy relationships when you haven’t got one? How can you write about social media marketing when you don’t have some backup testimonies?
Ideas to start a blog?
If you have been eager to start your own blog but find it difficult to define a niche to blog on, I want to share with you 4 solid niche ideas to go ahead and start a blog.
Idea #1. Start a Side-kick blog to develop the passion
One passion every blogger, newbie and pro, have or should have in common is the love for writing, and secondly for being helpful to people. If you lack any of the two and are not interested to develop both potentials, I assure you, blogging will likely be the most difficult thing you’ll ever do.
If you have and are interested to develop the writing and helping skill but can’t figure a niche you are passionate about, as the pros advice, my first idea is that you get a passion side-kick blog (I admit. I made that up, ‘passion side-kick that is’). Think of a side-kick blog as a ground to share real time personal experience or observation. This could be a blog about your journey to finding your passion in a subject. A side-kick blog doesn’t have to be a flawless blog. It’s a documentation of your learning curve so it has to be natural. Why would you want to do this? Rather that jump into a blog niche under the assumption that you know and are passionate about it, you are actually test driving your interest while learning at the same time. This can be better explained with an example.
Let’s say you want to succeed in using social media to build a profitable online network. Your current social activity is below average in social media rating but you want to go beyond average and build a meaningful social media network. You can start a blog to document your social media experience along the journey while developing your passion in that aspect. If you give yourself to the cause, there will definitely be a good number of people who will be willing to follow your story to see how well it works out for you. I’ve read about successful finance bloggers like J.D. Roth of GetRichSlowly , G.E. Miller of 20SomethingFinance, that started their blogs to document their progress in getting out of debt. Theirs personal blogs ended up becoming a hive of information on personal finance management. You may end up building a great blog with this idea.
Idea #2. Blog on your Art- Start a Resource blog
This one seems like a two in one idea. Here is how it goes. If you can’t figure a niche you are interested in, invest in the art you are good at. If you are good at rummaging the search engines to find what you want, pick a niche that meets the need of a demography and start sharing information people don’t have the time to find (the resource blog). If you are not that interested in the topic, at least you’ll be having fun finding what others hardly can.
My first real blog started as a student resource blog. I find relevant information for students looking for financial aid and to study abroad. However, I’ve been able to build a monthly income source from it. I just enjoy bringing bits of information from different places on the web and making it a single informative blog post people can use. This has helped (or rather helps) me improve my writing skill and have turned out to be a ground of blogging experience. A research blog could be a collection of resourceful links. You don’t have to keep reading every article about blogging and hope to get a degree in blogging before you think of start your first blog. Just start blogging; it’s the practical way to learn about blogging. It doesn’t have to be a perfect start either.
Blogging on your art: If you are good at taking interesting pictures with your mobile phone camera, you can start a blog on the photos you take and write on how they connect with you. You can start a video or podcast (audio) blog. Think of something you like and are good at doing that looks ridiculous to most (serious) people and start a blog on it.
Idea #3. Start a blog to promote an existing business
It’s a lot easier to start a blog if you already have a product or service to offer. Blogs are a great medium to find and connect with existing and potential customers. You don’t have to turn your blog to endless pages of sales letters. The idea here is to take your blog as an avenue to reach more customers (locally or internationally). You can to share industry news, relating to your product and/or service, from your own perspective. Teach people how to use your product as well as request and respond to customers’ feedback.
Idea #4. Start an experience based blog
This looks similar to the first point of getting a side-kick blog, but in this case it’s about an experience you’ve already created. You are more like good at what you are doing and already have results to back up your claims. Steve Pavlina’s personal development blog is a good example of such blogs. This requires that you have had a share-able amount of experience in the subject you want to blog about. Did you recover from a poor grade to graduate with a second class upper in your university days? Teach us how you managed to switch from below to above average student. If you turned a boring job to an interesting place of work, there are people with similar problems and your advice. Whatever life experience you’ve had to make things easier for you, someone needs to hear and learn about it. Keep in mind that you will have critics coming your way for writing based on your personal experience. It’s all part of the deal you sign. Moreover, they are not the ones you are writing for.
What if this is the idea you want to work on but don’t have an experience worth sharing, idea number 1 or 2 will be a good place to start. I started with idea number 2 and now working on number 4.
That’s my 4 blogging ideas for new bloggers when passion is hard to define. What other blog niche ideas would you like to share with new bloggers? As a New bloggers, which of these ideas are you going to start working on? I’ll love to hear what’s on your mind on the comment section below.

I’ve always thought the resource blog was a great idea. Reviews of products are exactly what people are looking for when they are in the buying mood!
That’s very true Graham. Just another good reason to consider a resource blog..
Thanks for the useful contribution.
Hi Ikenna, Thanks for writing this awesome post from you…Thanks for sharing.
Olawale. Thanks for stopping by. You’re welcome to my blog. Hope to see you around more often.
I totally agree to that; Creativity and Confidence are really essential. Thanks for the inspiring comment Ryan
Hi Ikenna,
Creative tips here.
Starting different themed blogs gets the creative juices flowing and helps build your confidence, 2 fundamental qualities all bloggers must possess. This causes you to practice each day, building your belief and allowing your creativity to flourish.
Thanks for sharing!
I started with Blogging and Technology as my both niches 🙂
Thanks for this nice article. It will sure help new-comers.
Thanks for coming by Ritesh
Thanks for the eye opener, I will go for niche number 2, because i already have a little experience doing it offline.
I wish you the best with that
Thanks for these great post
this is not just post alone but a teaching post
blog like resource blogs and blog to promotes products is one blog niche some one without blog ideas can start and run successfull