This content is written and submitted by Stephen Abiodun.
For every one of us who has business online, either as blogger or any other online presence, writing stand as the major skill that determine success or failure in our business. You may not be a great writer yet, just as I am not. But there is hope that you and I can become better in this art call writing. These 7 attributes of every great writer are worth stealing
- Write every day. This is one of the earliest advice I was given as I started learning how to be a good writer. Why should you write every day? Because, just like public speaking, web designing or any other art or skill, writing is a skill that takes time and practice (a lot of practice) to develop. The more you write, the better you will become. Anthony Robbins at a point read somewhere that great public speakers do speak every day, he then said to himself, “I will speak every day and more than once”. What do I mean here? Do I mean you should write very long post every day? In my experience, no. you may have a blog where you write three or two blog posts every day, good. I have discovered that writing on my Facebook wall (even few sentences) makes me a better writer. There was a time I wasn`t active on Facebook. When I discovered that writing on Facebook makes me a better writer, I write more on Facebook. This is my recommendation. If you have a blog you can update every day (and still write quality posts) do so. If you only update your blog once or twice a week, write short sentences on your social media accounts as often as you can.
- Have an idea file or book. Sometimes we wish to write but encounter writer`s block. The pro have tactics to handle this better than us. They keep an idea book or file. There are times when many writing ideas flow in your mind and if not written down, they simply disappear. You can jot them down. As you read other blogs, walk on the street, discuss with friends, you`ll find writing ideas flowing in your mind. Jot them on a note, your phone or whatever. This will help you to write more and better.
- Don`t wait for an idea. Sometimes your mind is blank and there seems to be nothing coming out that your keyboard can smile at. Some other times you have some writing ideas but which seem not good enough. What great writers do is to sit down and start writing (yes, start with nonsense).
“My advice is not to wait to be struck by an idea. If you`re a writer, you sit down and damn well decide to have an idea. That is the way to get an idea” – Andy Rooney.
Sometimes your fingers can help your brain to get an idea of what to write to help your writing business.
- Steal from others. I have not started writing as a business when I first heard this statement, “if you steal a story, you commit plagiarism. If you steal an hundred, you made research”. How true! Every writer is a thief. The only difference between us is that some dumb writers steal a story (copy and paste) while the great writers steal more than one, digest them and reproduce them. As a writer, you have to be a researcher. We writers are so lucky in this generation. You ask me why? I will tell you. If Napoleon Hills would write a hundred page book, he might have to spend two years to travel and research his topics in various libraries. You and I can write a better content in two weeks without leaving our rooms. Thank God and thank Google. Take advantage of this and become a better writer.
- Learn how to market your writing skill. For many of us, writing is our business. However, some of us don`t see it as the business in deed. Just as musicians have to learn how to market their talent (or they become poor), writers have to see writing as business and so learn how to market their writing skill. I love it when the popular American author, Robert Kiyosaki said, I am not the best writer. I am the best-selling author. Best-selling authors, sometimes are not the best authors. Note that. Just as I write in marketing strategies tips, as writers, marketing is one of those subjects we must invest our time in studying. Your blog, your ads or your books will not sell, except you learn how to market like pro. Great writers understand this. They write well and market well.
- Don`t write words, write images. I know you have heard this more than once, “a photograph speaks one thousand words”. This is so because human beings think in photos (so to say). You think about this. You can remember something that happened to you five years ago, easier than you can remember what someone told you last year. We think and remember things as images. Write in images. How? Tell a story. Quote people. Use practical examples. This will keep your reader glue to your books, blog or marketing materials.
- Write the way you talk. You`re probably not writing an academic report. Then, let your formality be minimized. Anything formal is not natural and human minds don`t love artificial things. Neil Patel, the blogger at Quick Sprout claim that the reason why two of his blogs do not grow as Quick Sprout is because the writers he employed there are not writing in conversational tones. Write the way you talk. How? I just did that now. Ask questions and answer your questions. Input some non-formal tones such as, “think about this” “give me a minute”, “okay, see this” etc. Your readers will flow easily with your blog post or marketing materials.
There you have them, 7 attributes of great writers. What other attributes do you see in your favorite authors? Share your comment below.

Hey bro abiodun, i can see you are an excellent(expert) writter.i really enjoyed reading this post and at the same time i learnt new things,thanks and keep it up.
Hi Iyke,
Glad you enjoyed Stephen’s post. It was an interesting read.
Hi Steve,
You certainly are a great writer yourself…from all indications, you have brilliantly deployed the secrets you have espoused here…
….and what an apt summary of the basics it is!
Be certain to make the day great!
Akaahan Terungwa
What if I express the #7 secret in another way?
“Write like you are talking to Grade 5 pupils”
You can say that again, Joe.
“Do not write words, write images”. That is really good advice for any budding or established writer.