Infolinks ads is a considerable supplement to other contextual and banner type advertising for bloggers and webmasters to earn extra passive income. From my experience, as far as in text advertising goes, Infolinks is a better choice available. I’ve using this ads service on one of my blogs hosted on blogger for close to 20 months; though the income is nothing compared to Google Adsense, it manages to leave me with a couple of dollars monthly for maintenance expense. Hence still worth it for me.
Though in text ads (converts existing texts on your blog to links)is the most popular ads option for Infolinks, this ads service also comes with several other ads integration options for bloggers and webmasters and will help increase your earnings.
Related Tags
Tag Clouds
Search Widget. New**
So if you are not comfortable with using in text ads within your posts, for the compassionate love of your readers, you can still consider other three options.
A Mess to Clean Up
For the in text ads integration, by default, there will be inappropriate display of in text ads in unwanted sections of your blog (header description or sidebar titles). It looks untidy to have those ads on header description or sidebar titles. The good thing is that you can control which section of your blog in text ads should display.
How to Disable Infolinks In text Ads on irrelevant sections by Placement Targeting
The target is to show optimized in-text ads within post content and comment section only; which is where it should be. Ads served outside of this section (on header or sidebar), is just not tidy.
If you are yet to start using Infolinks, Create your Infolinks account, login to your account to add the in text ads code, go to Integration Guide and then Advanced Integration Wizard. Here you can choose the color of the links, underline, number of the maximum in text ads to be served on your blog. Copy and paste the code in your template or Sidebar Gadget. You can also use the Infolinks-to-blogger wizard from Resources in the Integration Guide, to let Infolinks add the code for you automatically.
Placement Targeting
Placement Targeting gives you the option to show Infolinks in-text ads only on some selected section of your blog. For this tutorial, I choose to display ads only in post body and comment section. This can be done by adding the Infolinks ON/OFF template tags.
For Blogger Blogs
Disabling Infolinks on Header: Go to blogger Edit HTML from Design tab. Look for the opening body tag.
Add the Infolinks OFF tag (see below) just below it.
Enabling Infolinks on Post and Page Content: Look for the code
<div class=’post-header-line-1’/>
Add the Infolinks ON tag just below it.
Save Template. You’re done.
For WordPress Blogs
Disabling Infolinks on Header: Open your theme’s header.php in an editor and look for the opening body tag.
Add the infolinks OFF tag just below it.
Enabling Infolinks on Post and Page Content: Open your index.php, single.php, page.php, archive.php and look for the code.
<?php get_header?>
Add the Infolinks ON tag just below it.
Disabling Infolinks on Footer and Sidebar: Open index.php, single.php, page.php, archive.php and look for the codes on each file.
<?php get_sidebar?>
<?php get_footer?>
Add the Infolinks OFF tag just above them.
Save changes. You’re done.
I’ll love to know how this works out for you. If you have been using Infolinks, are you making money from it?
Tammy says
Hey, this is Tammy from Infolinks. I love this article – you really did a great job explaining all about our In-Text ads. If you or any of your readers have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].
Happy blogging,
Ikenna Odinaka says
Hey Tammy,
I’m glad you love it.
OgbongeBlog says
I am glad one can restrict the text ads to some sections of the blog but do the text ads open in same window or new window?
Ikenna Odinaka says
The ads normally opens on the same window just like Adsense. I don’t think there is an option to change the setting.
Thank for dropping by Bro.
Ritesh @ Technology Blog says
really nice and very useful information, Ikenna. I am will update my blog post body for infolinks ads too.
Thanks for sharing this.
Ikenna Odinaka says
I’m glad to help man. I’ll love to know how it turns out for you.
Chadrack says
Hi Ikenna,
You’ve just reminded me to target my infolinks ads on my new theme! I changed my theme a few days and really did not remember to move the targeting tags to this new theme but reading your post is a wake up call. Thanks.
Ikenna Odinaka says
Hey man,
You’re welcome. I’m glad you got the reminder here.
Thanks for coming by.
reeha@gift ideas says
I really acquired something updated an d new information from here. thanks for sharing lkenna.
SKay says
Hi Ikenna Odinaka,
Your post has helped me a lot in solving my problem related to infolink adds that were appearing on the header of my blog. Now that my problem is solved i am happy. I have bookmarked your blog. Thanks for this help.
Blogerian Host says
Hello SKay,
I’m glad I could be of help.
susan says
love it very much
bludus says
I ‘ve add the tag on of and on like your tutorial, but the ads still appear in header side bar and comment form, Help me please, is there any more explanation implementing this tag on of in blogspot? I’m waiting your explanation… thank
Lagubestbest says
I succeceed this, first of all you need to convert that on off code with ‘adsense converter’ (google please). Then open up your ‘template>edit HTML’, don’t tick on ‘expand widget templates’, then paste the ‘off code’ right after open ‘body’, then paste the ‘on code’ right after open ‘div id main wrapper’. Meaning you off infolinks for whole space of your blog but you overwrite on infolinks on main wrapper/ post div of your blog.
mabubakarbehlim says
well if you can tel me about code how to search these code on templete body’,div id main wrapper’
mabubakarbehlim says
I have Tried this code ad on to my blog but it is shing eror like this
Error parsing XML, line 841, column 3: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.
please solve my problem what was wrong with that
Eduard says
Can you guide on how to add inTag ads below post title?
Ramu says
Nice post,helped a lot for me
Peter Micheal says
Nice work bro.
Sidik says
Infolinks is great, thanks for this article
Nitesh Prasad says
Wonderful post. But I have a problem. The in-text adds also come in the post comments. How can I disable it in comments?
I am using Blogger.
civil engineering says
Hi…thanks so much for this post, i have being looking for way to my infolinks ads. Thanks
Habib says
Bro in my template tag is missing when i find it by pressing ctrl + f is there was any way through which i can prevent infolinks ads showing in header area and right side area where i put my widget like popular posts e.t.c i wanted to show infolinks ads only in post.Need urgent reply
Rajendra Koduru says
How to Add infolinks code to a blogspot blog ?
samueldpoetry says
I have been using infolinks on my education blog for 2yrs now. Using it requires a very great deal of understanding. If the blog or website is void of marketable keywords then infolinks is a total waste of time because a mere ads impressions will only give u cents per month (eg 90k ads impression will equal to 40cent per month)
Another flaw is that the ads are sluggish.
Another flaw is that visitor outside europe will always see Facebook sign up banner.
Bidvertiser is better trust me irrespective of your niche then is more better for a website with more than 3k daily impression (because 3 different ads tag will total 90k ads impression which pays better than revcontent)